NTP 是一个时间同步服务器,用于网络主机间的时钟同步,Linux上安装
yum install ntp
配置文件解释 /etc/ntp.conf
1 # Permit time synchronization with our time source, but do not 2 # permit the source to query or modify the service on this system. 3 restrict default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery 禁止所有主机连接,后面restrict放开 4 #restrict default modify 允许所有的机子连接 5 restrict -6 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery 6 7 # Permit all access over the loopback interface. This could 8 # be tightened as well, but to do so would effect some of 9 # the administrative functions. 10 restrict 允许环回地址 11 restrict -6 ::1 12 13 # Hosts on local network are less restricted. 14 #restrict mask nomodify notrap 15 restrict mask nomodify 允许10.8.117.0的网段连接,但不能修改 16 restrict mask nomodify notrust 允许192.168.10.0的网段连接,但默认不相信,需要认证 17 restrict mask nomodify 18 19 # Use public servers from the pool.ntp.org project. 20 # Please consider joining the pool (http://www.pool.ntp.org/join.html). 21 server 0.centos.pool.ntp.org 时钟同步服务器 22 server 1.centos.pool.ntp.org 23 server 2.centos.pool.ntp.org 24 server time.stdtime.gov.tw prefer 25 26 #broadcast key 42 # broadcast server 27 #broadcastclient # broadcast client 28 #broadcast key 42 # multicast server 29 #multicastclient # multicast client 30 #manycastserver # manycast server 31 #manycastclient key 42 # manycast client 32 33 # Undisciplined Local Clock. This is a fake driver intended for backup 34 # and when no outside source of synchronized time is available. 35 server # local clock 内部时钟同步服务器 36 fudge stratum 10 37 38 # Drift file. Put this in a directory which the daemon can write to. 39 # No symbolic links allowed, either, since the daemon updates the file 40 # by creating a temporary in the same directory and then rename()'ing 41 # it to the file. 42 driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift 43 44 # Key file containing the keys and key identifiers used when operating 45 # with symmetric key cryptography. 46 keys /etc/ntp/keys MD5 keys存放位置,用于认证 47 48 # Specify the key identifiers which are trusted. 49 #trustedkey 4 8 42 50 trustedkey 4 8 42 相信哪几个key 51 52 # Specify the key identifier to use with the ntpdc utility. 53 #requestkey 8 54 55 # Specify the key identifier to use with the ntpq utility. 56 #controlkey 8
notrap: 不提供远程事件登入notrust: 客户端必需提供认证nomodify: 不提供客户端修改本地服务器的时间参数,但可以网络校准noquery: 关闭客户端时间查询ignore: 关闭所有NTP联机服务
MD5 key生成
[root@huan ~]# ntp-keygen -MUsing OpenSSL version 90802fRandom seed file /root/.rnd 1024 bytesGenerating MD5 keys...Generating new MD5 file and linkntpkey_MD5_huan.com->ntpkey_MD5key_huan.com.3696848019Generating RSA keys (512 bits)...RSA 0 8 12 1 11 24 3 1 2Generating new host file and linkntpkey_host_huan.com->ntpkey_RSAkey_huan.com.3696848019Using host key as sign keyGenerating certificate RSA-MD5X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical,CA:TRUEX509v3 Key Usage: digitalSignature,keyCertSignGenerating new cert file and linkntpkey_cert_huan.com->ntpkey_RSA-MD5cert_huan.com.3696848019
这个key保存在~/目录下ntpkey_MD5key_huan.com.3696848019,随后把key 复制到/etc/ntp/keys中
1 # 2 # PLEASE DO NOT USE THE DEFAULT VALUES HERE. 3 # 4 #65535 M akey 5 #1 M pass 6 # ntpkey_MD5key_huan.com.3696848019 7 # Thu Feb 23 22:13:39 2017 8 1 MD5 4Ty+F=}TweR;KoX # MD5 key 9 2 MD5 %>\u]cuR]&{U)PM # MD5 key 10 3 MD5 }l`]~;_(=Hzjpp+ # MD5 key 11 4 MD5 +&":$)dll2IM0CA # MD5 key 12 5 MD5 `&.oX2hp'sMMD"r # MD5 key 13 6 MD5 3-QlatYBazg18tb # MD5 key 14 7 MD5 $W*ElJr=t_,,g^N6Vhsd # MD5 key 16 9 MD5 D&%-=qbm ]{/`0]U. # MD5 key 21 14 MD5 ChD"Gwc{[a\SMXK # MD5 key 22 15 MD5 vgU!;"XOOsps[%w # MD5 key 23 16 MD5 &G)C)
查看本地ntp server是否正常watch ntpq -p
[root@huan ~]# watch ntpq -pEvery 2.0s: ntpq -p Thu Feb 23 15:57:06 2017 remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter============================================================================== 61-216-153-104. 3 u 277 64 260 61.655 19.030 2.011+ntp1.ams1.nl.le 2 u 9 64 377 186.245 11.931 0.344+2001:1af8:4700: 2 u 17 64 377 385.413 -1.070 19.065*2001:b031:5c02: 2 u 9 64 377 409.217 -0.232 21.774 LOCAL(0) .LOCL. 10 l 13 64 377 0.000 0.000 0.001remote: 远程serverrefid: 远程server上一级的IP地址,远程server也是参考它上一级的时间st: 远程服务器的层级stratumt: 单位? uswhen: 上一次成功请求后到现在的秒数 poll: 本地与远程多久同步一次,一开始不稳定同步频率高,稳定后这个值会大,直到256reach: 本地与远程服务器成功连接的次数,一般要17次以上就稳定delay: RRT本地与远程服务来回在路上的时间offset: 本地与远程服务器之间的偏差jitter: 特定连接数时的offset情况,越小越好
两台LAN 网内的PC测试,是NTP Server,是局域网主机
由于10.8.116.0网段是允许接入的 root@qa-VL:~# date -s "2011-1-1" 客户端修改时间Sat Jan 1 00:00:00 CST 2011root@qa-VL:~# dateSat Jan 1 00:00:01 CST 2011root@qa-VL:~# ntpdate 客户端向server索要同步时间23 Feb 16:32:59 ntpdate[647]: step time server offset 194027559.388183 secroot@qa-VL:~# date 验证Thu Feb 23 16:33:01 CST 2017
首先要把server上的/etc/ntp/keys传到本地/etc/ntp.keysroot@qa-VL:~# scp root@ /etc/ntp.keysThe authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.RSA key fingerprint is 63:57:2f:55:ab:b6:ab:cf:10:7f:d9:f9:6d:5b:ae:6a.Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yesWarning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.root@'s password: keys 100% 680 0.7KB/s 00:00 root@qa-VL:~# ntpdate -d -a 4 Feb 16:44:07 ntpdate[674]: ntpdate 4.2.6p3@1.2290-o Tue Jun 5 20:12:12 UTC 2012 (1)Looking for host and service ntphost found : huan.localtransmit( authentication passedtransmit( authentication passedtransmit( authentication passedtransmit( authentication passedtransmit(, port 123stratum 11, precision -20, leap 00, trust 000refid [], delay 0.02582, dispersion 0.00002transmitted 4, in filter 4reference time: dc591ead.357266ee Thu, Feb 23 2017 16:41:17.208originate timestamp: dc591f5d.de62f183 Thu, Feb 23 2017 16:44:13.868transmit timestamp: dc591f5d.de0c01f0 Thu, Feb 23 2017 16:44:13.867filter delay: 0.02583 0.02582 0.02582 0.02586 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 filter offset: 0.001206 0.001172 0.001117 0.001127 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000delay 0.02582, dispersion 0.00002offset 0.00117223 Feb 16:44:15 ntpdate[674]: adjust time server offset 0.001172 sec
第三方设备防火墙同步本server上的时间 ,的网段设置为notrust
配置NTP Server Auth Type: MD5Trust Key No: 4Key Number: 4password: +&":$)dll2IM0CA #MD5密码
server起来后需要一定的时间才能完成自己的同步,因此在这段时间内不提供服务watch ntpq -p 看reach值
http://blog.csdn.net/gycool21/article/details/51746174 综合,面面俱到http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-71729-id-605471.html ntpq -p 参数详解